Thursday, July 31, 2008


Today would have been my Dad's 82nd birthday! I wonder how we would have celebrated, if he was here.

Happy Birthday, Dad, we miss you and we love you.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just back....

...from Florida where I visited my kindred spirit, the Charleston Yaya, and her family. What a great weekend it was. Her daughter, Kaiti, and Grandson, Collin, were there too and what a time we all had. Collin is 6 months old and just the best, cutest, baby. Kaiti is such a good Mommy and of course, Aunt Kelly is the greatest too.

Here is Collin, all dressed up for church on Sunday. He seemed to change and grow everyday and he learned something new everyday.

He loved playing with his toes and discovering new


It was such a joy for me to finally meet him and to spend time with him. Of course, it was GREAT to see the rest of the family too. Aunt Kelly will be headed to South Carolina the week after next, where she will be attending Charleston Southern University and will be in the nursing program....way to go Kelly, I am so proud of you.

Kaiti and Collin will be headed back to North Carolina next week. They will be anxiously awaiting the return of Collin's Daddy, Capt. Robert, US Marine Corp pilot, now on deployment in Iraq. While I was still in Florida, Kaiti got word that Robert had the privilege of flying Sen. Hagel of Nebraska, who was part of Obama's group touring there.

We are all praying for safe travel for the family and for Robert's safe return in October.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mid-July already!

I can't believe that it is the 15th of July already! Where does the time fly off to? This has been a busy few weeks. My quilt guild had their summer retreat the last week-end in June. There were 24 of us at a really nice retreat center near Independence, Texas ( We had a great time and accomplished alot. We each were asked to make a block from pink and white fabric. One lucky winner received all the blocks to make a quilt with. My friend, Linda, was the lucky winner, and she is shown here with the retreat committee. I was able to finish my July "button-up" which you can see in the side bar.

We were given a project to do. A block had been made and we were to add borders to it and the finished quilt will be donated to the Cancer society. I was part of the first group and here we are examining the center and deciding what we will do with it.

And here is the finished product. Pretty good looking, if I do say so myself. You can see our pictures at

Fourth of July found me visiting my son in the hospital. He had another attack of pancreatitis. He was not happy to be in the hospital, but fortunately he caught it early and was only there until Saturday morning and is fine now. He just needs to watch what he eats.

The Stovall family reunion was held at my cousin's house near Brownwood, Tx last weekend. There were about 40 of us (not nearly as many as there could have been). We always have a great time...lots of food, visiting and Bingo. We also cleaned up around Dad's grave while we were there. It was a sad time.

I leave on Thursday to visit my chosen family in Tampa and see my new adopted grand-baby.

Isn't he the cutest thing? Can't wait to see him, his Mom, Aunt and Grandparents. (His Daddy is serving our country as a Marine aviator stationed in Iraq.) See what the baby is up to in my blog list under "LimaBean." I will tell you all about it when I come back.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I have been tagged.

Ok...I guess I have procrastinated enough and have to play the game, or my BFF with give up on me all together.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago? This is pretty hard, because I don't even remember what I did yesterday, so 10 years was a long time ago. I was living in Summerville, SC, working at an elementary school in Berkeley a Library Media Specialist. I had just gotten my Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of South Carolina a couple years before. My son was in the Army and may have been stationed in Bosnia then, but if not, he was at Ft. Hood, Texas in the First Cav. I had been a widow for six years at the time. I was very involved with the LowCountry Emmaus Community and Chrysalis of the Low Country. I had no thoughts of retiring and moving to Texas, but look at me now!

2. Name my five favorite snacks: Well, since I like most everything, I guess I would have to say: 1. ice cream, 2. cheese sticks, 3. Sonic peach tea (does that count as a snack?), 4. chips, 5. cheese balls and crackers. NO, chocolate is not one of my favorite snacks. In fact, it would be WAY down the list ... yes, I know, I am weird.

3. Five things that were on my to do list today: 1. Go to the sewing room and work. 2. Do some laundry. 3. Catch up on the reading for my Bible study. 4. Go to the visitation of one of my Dad's coffee drinking buddies who passed away this week. 5. Finally complete this tag.

4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: I would pay off the Family Life Center at Stallsville UMC in Summerville (my church here seems to have plenty of money, and I know Stallsville doesn't). I would tithe to my church here. I would buy my son a house, and of course, pay off this one. I would hire a housekeeper, because I hate to clean the house. I would give lots of money to Water Missions International so that they could provide clean drinking water where ever it was needed. AND I would take lots of trips to see my adopted grandson Collin and his family.

5. Five jobs I have had: I have worked in Libraries most of my life, whether it be the public, junior high, college or elementary school library. I tried to sell World Book encyclopedias one summer, and Sarah Coventry jewelry another. I was part time assistant property manager for my apartment complex in Dallas and was a baby sitter for a company in Charleston.

6. Five bad habits of mine: The worst one is being the great procrastinator (therefore, one of the reasons it took me so long to do this). Starting too many projects and never finishing them. Not exercising or eating healthily. Gossiping. Taking people for granted.

7. Five places I have lived. Kenmore, NY. Munich, Germany. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Tonawanda, NY. Newfane, NY. Syracuse, NY. Olean, NY. Angelica, NY. Huntsville, TX. Dallas, TX, Memphis, TN. Summerville, SC. Bryan, TX. Oops, you only wanted 5 didn't you?

8. Five random things people wouldn't know about me: Most people wouldn't know that I have 5 sisters and 3 brothers. I love visiting San Diego, California. I have a niece that was in the Marine Corps and had two tours of duty in Iraq. I miss my yaya terribly. I know, that is only 4, but I am such an open book, I can't think of any others.

9. Five cds that I'd have to take on a desert island: All I would need is my IPOD. I have a whole bunch of electic stuff on it. Of course, I would much rather have books than cd's any day.

Whew, this has been a chore. I am so glad it is over. Yaya, I hope you are happy now!